Are you contemplating an organizational change that will be challenging for your people? Jana Glenn Ntumba, founder of Transforming Organizations Through People, has a gift for inspiring groups of people to take the next step in moving toward a shared vision. She enables people who are resistant to change to express their concerns and decide to become risk-takers in trying something new!

Organizational transformation may be exciting for you as a leader, but may leave your people feeling threatened and uneasy. Change - moving forward to the realization of a new and exciting vision - can be energizing and transforming for the entire organization if it is handled with wisdom and compassion. Transforming Organizations Through People supports your change effort through motivational speaking designed to break through resistance at all levels. A recognized leader in transformational training and consulting, Jana provides motivational speaking that is designed specifically for your organization. Her creativity and ability to see ways to lead through any challenge inspires others to find a way no matter what the circumstances!
Inspiring organizational leaders to lead change efforts that are complex and far reaching requires a special kind of understanding of human emotions and behavior. Jana helps leaders go beyond the technical aspects of the change process to touch the hearts of all those who are involved and whose lives will be impacted as you move forward.
Perhaps your organization is expanding overseas and you are at a loss for how to prepare your people for working in a different culture. Jana is the ideal speaker to generate enthusiasm for this new adventure! She has lived and worked in over 20 countries throughout Africa, the Americas, Europe and Asia. With her decades of experience entering new cultures and establishing close working relationships with people in a short period of time, she can provide your people with the insight they need to succeed in this new and diverse world of work.
Jana brings a special quality to her relationships with people from around the world, and this comes through in her motivational speaking. She has a genuine simplicity, humility and transparency that enables people to open their hearts in new ways. And her story-telling and sense of humor always add a delightful element to her speaking engagements.

Communication Across Differences
In the world today, effective communication with people who are different from us is one of the most important skills we can learn. The modern organization is diverse with people from a variety of backgrounds, ethnic groups, races, cultures, world views and educational disciplines working on common goals. Beyond those more obvious external differences, workplace teams are made up of people with different personality types, learning styles, motivations, values and perceptions. The richness of this diversity is often not fully appreciated as supervisors and teams struggle to work effectively with people who are different. Sadly, more often than not, these differences lead to disagreements, conflicts, disruption in work relationships and non-functional, low-performing teams.
Through her motivational speaking engagements, Jana provides her audiences with a unique perspective on relationships with people who are different. She keeps her audiences laughing as she shares stories from her experiences in dozens of countries around the world. Developing close relationships with people who are different from you can be one of the most rewarding experiences in life, both professionally and personally. Jana can inspire leaders to develop diverse groups of people into high performing teams that produce awesome results as they learn to value the differences and to love those who see the world differently.

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5 Keys to Transforming Your Organization through People - Written by Jana Glenn Ntumba
This eBook is a snapshot of the creative approaches Jana uses with senior and mid level leaders, HR and training professionals and team leaders to transform their organizations and is available as a free download
- Inspire people to do their best
- Grow your teams
- Foster collaboration across work groups
- Use differences creatively
- Promote shared leadership
What People Are Saying:

Dr. Yvan Ranaivoson
Institute of Technology for Education and Management
Through my work with Jana, I was transformed into a person with great self-confidence that extended to my performance in any work entrusted to me, even outside my own area of expertise. Using adult education and collective intelligence, the impact of Jana’s work in Madagascar was phenomenal. Currently I am one of the most sought- after trainers in the industrial private sector in Madagascar… and I am a medical doctor by training! I have trained more than 30,000 people including senior state officials who have benefited from positive transformation. Expect to discover yourself with Jana and to experience unimaginable personal and professional transformation.

John Pollock
International Division MCDI
The first time I saw Jana, she walked into the room, smiled broadly and told us how happy she was to be there. In doing so, she made us all happy to be there too! Jana inspires leaders to align their knowledge and goals to generate cooperation and work effectively together to produce awesome outcomes. I have seen her get people who are hostile to work with each other in effective teams. Jana exhorts people to leave dependency behind and to realize that they have inside themselves the resources they need to bring about the transformation they seek.

Michele Rakotomanga
CARE International
From the first day I met Jana, I was impressed by her openness, wide smile and most of all, the confidence she had in me. She impressed me as a strong and confident person with a purpose in life to help grow others. Jana makes others feel capable and fosters a ‘can do’ attitude. A model of strong leadership and development of others' management competencies, Jana helps you find yourself and brings out the best in you. It’s as if she tailor made your personal development knowing what your future would be. She remains one of the best when it comes to transforming individuals, teams and organisations!