Transforming Organizations Through People
I work with leaders to transform their teams and organizations to face challenges and produce lasting results. If you want to be a catalyst for organizational transformation, try my proven approaches to inspire excellent performance, build dynamic teams and produce amazing results!

Jana Glenn Ntumba
Coach, Consultant, Trainer, Facilitator
Jana Glenn Ntumba has worked for 30 years in more than 20 countries around the world using approaches that enable her clients to bring about organizational transformation through people and their relationship connections. Development organizations and governments throughout Africa, the Americas, Europe and Asia have used her unique approach that starts with the heart to improve the performance of senior and mid-level leaders, managers, HR and training professionals.

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5 Keys to Transforming Your Organization through People -By Jana Glenn Ntumba
This eBook is a snapshot of the approaches Jana uses with leaders to -
- Inspire people to do their best
- Grow their teams
- Foster collaboration across work groups
- Use differences creatively
- Promote shared leadership

Are you facing challenges that are draining your energy and stealing your joy?
Transforming Organizations Through People helps leaders and managers working internationally to face the challenges confronting their organizations and take action to bring about needed changes. If you want to move your organization, project or department forward to bring about lasting, positive change, you have come to the right place. The difference between staying where you are and moving your organization to a new level of success is all about taking action now. This is the time to start!
Did you know that people are the answer to your SUCCESS?
Sustainable, positive change doesn't happen by chance, and you can't get there just by developing results frameworks, strategic and operational plans and management systems. Only when you unlock the secret to relationship connections in the workplace will you discover the secret to successful development initiatives.
Transforming Organizations Through People offers approaches, methods and tools that any organization or project can put into practice to achieve lasting results.
Working internationally will always bring victories and challenges. What if you could learn how to multiply the victories and transform the challenges into opportunities for lasting change that really matters? Transforming Organizations Through People provides training and coaching solutions that do just that.

We will help you achieve greater success in your international work by creating an organizational culture that inspires excellent performance and grows leaders capable of taking their teams to the next level. Don’t take our word for it… let's work together to make it happen!
We have the proven experience and resources to help you develop your people, build high performing teams and transform your organization. From online courses and coaching to on-site workshops, consulting and more, we inspire change from the inside out. We offer a wide array of development and training programs built on proven principles that enable people and teams to achieve results for those they serve.
All The Tools You Need To Build A Successful Organization

What do successful leaders have in common? They all use coaches! In fact, they incorporate coaching into their day-to-day interactions with their teams. They develop the coaching capacity of leaders throughout the organization to build a culture of on-going learning and to promote innovation, commitment, trust and perseverance when facing challenges. If you are ready to take your organization to the next level and produce the outcomes you want, check out our coaching programs to assist you in the process. Improve individual and team performance and accelerate
the successful achievement of results you have promised.

Want thorough training to help you master the skills needed to bring your organization to the next level, but can’t imagine it fitting into your busy schedule?
Transforming Organizations Through People offers high quality online video training that you and your teams can watch at your convenience. A golden opportunity for you to learn on your own time during this unique period of history! We pour passion, knowledge, and practical applications into all of our video training. Our video courses won’t just challenge and inspire you; they will transform you and your teams! Learn more about our comprehensive online training here.

Transforming Organizations Through People provides premier in-house training and development services that meet the specific needs of leaders working internationally in the government, not-for-profit, Missions and business sectors. A recognized leader in on-site training programs, we provide tailored training exclusively designed for your organization or project in its current context. Our programs are relevant, practical and delivered in an engaging way. To learn more about how your organization can benefit from our customized team training solutions click here.
What People Are Saying:

Joan Bragar, EdD
Executive Coach at Harvard Business School
Author, Leading for Results
"Jana is a respected expert in the field of organizational change through learning and development. I have worked with her in challenging situations that required shifts in thinking and performance. She designed and led programs to transform the mindsets of African university professors as they approached the challenge of leading practical workshops for front-line health workers. We watched with enthusiasm as the participants updated their understanding of learning and teaching. It was truly transformational! You will be fortunate to have Jana focus on the needs of your organization."

John Pollock
International Division MCDI
"In Madagascar and Rwanda, Jana was more than a catalyst. Her unique way of working had a catalytic impact as she transferred approaches and techniques for consolidating and improving systems, enabling leaders to achieve their goals. She worked with us to bring about an astonishing transformation in government health systems. Teams of local experts she coached moved into high-level positions and are still using what they learned then – 20+ years ago - to build successful teams and organizations today."

Dr. Kathy Kantengwa
Former Chief of Party, USAID PBF Project
"Working with Jana made the roll-out of the Performance-Based Financing Program in Rwanda look easy!
Using proven methods, she facilitated a process to scale up training to a national level resulting in the establishment of the first national PBF model in Rwanda. The process she developed has been adapted for use in various countries including Burundi, Benin, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia, Congo-Brazza etc. Her high level of energy combined with a people-centered and results-focused
approach are the key to her success."